Setting up a new machine
Some things I like to do when setting up a new Linux machine.
Map Caps Lock
to Ctrl
and vice versa
# On Debian
vim /etc/default/keyboard
# Change the line that reads `XKBOPTIONS=""` to `XKBOPTIONS="ctrl:swapcaps"`
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh console-setup
Install dotfiles
Pull up my dotfiles and run the install script.
Install programs
- Programming environments: Python (Latest), Rust, Haskell, Java
- Text editors: Vim/Neovim, VSCodium
- IDEs: Pycharm, IntellijIDEA, Android Studio
- Web browsers: Firefox Developer Edition, Brave, Chromium, qutebrowser, w3m, lynx
- Terminal emulators: Alacritty, st
- Window managers: dwm
- Miscellaneous: zsh/oh-my-zsh, nĀ³, mutt, Irssi, dmenu, nitrogen, fzf
- Fonts: Mononoki Nerd Font, Source Code Pro, Fira Code
- Themes: Dracula
- Enable Italics in Vim and tmux (add terminfo if needed).
- Configure Mutt/NeoMutt.
- Enable "Single click to open files" in the default graphical file manager.